Fukushima Today

    Fukushima Today

    Financial assistance approved to restart Tokai Daini Nuclear Power Plant in Tochigi Prefecture (TEPCO and Japan Atomic Power Company)

    In October 2019, TEPCO announced that it would provide financial assistance to the Japan Atomic Power Company for its Tokai Daini Nuclear Power Plant
    Fukushima Today

    Ikata nuclear power plant No. 3 reactor (Ehime Prefecture): Court injunction suspends operation

    On January 17, 2020, the Hiroshima High Court (presiding judge Kazutake Mori) handed down a ruling ordering the halt of Shikoku Electric Power Co.’s Reactor No. 3 at the Ikata Nuclear Power Plant
    Fukushima Today

    Radiation along the Olympic torch relay route

    High radiation levels were observed near the "J Village" soccer facility in Fukushima Prefecture, which is intended to be the starting point for the Olympic torch relay for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
    Fukushima Today

    Lymph node metastasis in 72% of thyroid cancers, invasive in 47%: Experts call for long-term studies

    Prof. Suzuki emphasized the need for long-term studies. The Fukushima Health Management Survey, found that 231 people had or were suspected of having thyroid cancer, and 172 underwent surgery (as reported by the prefecture as of October 2019).
    Fukushima Today

    Contaminated water, ALPS committee report emphasizes benefits of discharge into Pacific Ocean

    As the volume of contaminated water treated by the so-called Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) and stored at the TEPCO Daiichi nuclear plant continues to grow, a subcommittee was established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to discuss how to deal with this water.
    Fukushima Today

    Electricity procurement: Many local governments go back to big utilities and abandon new power producers

    The survey found that among the 67 local governments studied (47 prefectures and 20 major cities), 36 (i.e., more than half) had returned to the big power utilities like TEPCO for their electricity procurement, after briefly having contracts with new power producers
    Fukushima Today

    Evacuation orders lifted in three “difficult-to-return” zones: Yonomori, Ono, Futaba train station vicinity

    Before opening of the JR Joban train line on March 14, 2020, evacuation orders were gradually lifted starting March 4 in the vicinity of three train stations that had been designated as difficult-to-return zones (due to radiation levels after the nuclear accident): Yonomori Station (Tomioka), Ono Station (Okuma), and Futaba Station (Futaba).
    Fukushima Today

    Voices from Fukushima – A mother living in Fukushima

    It has been 9 years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. People who are still suffering from the pa...
    Fukushima Today

    Voices from Fukushima – Mizue Kanno

    It has been 9 years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. People who are still suffering from the pa...
    Fukushima Today

    Voices from Fukushima – Seiji Sugeno

    It has been 9 years since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. People who are still suffering from the pa...